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How to create a platform from source-code

General principle

When you create a jade instance, you should at least create a main-container and the agents that manage the platform. From there you can create one or several containers, and deploy agents. The main steps are :

public static void main(String[] args){
    Runtime rt = Runtime.instance();

    // 1) create a platform (main container+DF+AMS)
    Profile pMain = new ProfileImpl(PLATFORM_IP, PLATFORM_PORT, PLATFORM_ID);
    System.out.println("Launching a main-container..."+pMain);
    AgentContainer mainContainerRef = rt.createMainContainer(pMain); //DF and AMS are include

    // 2) (optionnal) create one or several containers
    String containerName;
    ProfileImpl pContainer;
    System.out.println("Launching containers ...");

    pContainer = new ProfileImpl(PLATFORM_IP, PLATFORM_PORT, PLATFORM_ID);
    System.out.println("Launching container "+pContainer);
    containerRef = rt.createAgentContainer(pContainer); 

    // 3) (optionnal) create monitoring agents : rma agent, used to debug and monitor the platform; sniffer agent, to monitor communications; 

    System.out.println("Plaform ok");

    //4 ) (optionnal) Create and start your agents

Create a platform distributed over the network

You want the containers that compose the platform to be distributed over several computers, e.g. A and B.

Be sure that A and B can communicate with each-others, and that the port you intend to use is open. It is frequent that firewalls or network configuration errors prevent this example to work correctly when you have no experience with distributed app.

  1. On computer A : You need to at least start the main-container. To this aim, just create a code similar to the above example.
  2. On computer B : You need to create at least one container by giving it a reference to the main-container living on computer A (IP, Port, Hostname). That's it.

Example source code

A complete example is available in the file that is used to trigger the various provided algorithms within Start-Jade.

If you want to create a platform locally

  1. Just select the create_platform example in
  2. Run the main

If you want to create a distributed plaform

On computer A :

  • Set the platform parameters (IP, port, platform ID),
  • select the create_platform example in and run it.

On computer B :

  • Set the platform parameters to the same value as computer A (IP, port, platform ID),

  • Set the COMPUTERisMAIN parameter in to FALSE (to let it know that there should be no main-computer here),

       public static boolean COMPUTERisMAIN= false;

  • Select the create_platform example in and run it.

You should see 4 containers from the AMS. 3 are local to computer A, the last one is connected from B. You can manually migrate the empty agent deployed on A to B then back through the RMA-GUI to insure that all network permissions are ok.